There are a number of services I can offer, click on the headings to read more.
for Couples
Couples counselling and marriage therapy is really effective for those couples who want to ‘work together’ to develop a better relationship.
I help couples who:
- are frustrated that no matter how much they discuss problems they never get solved.
- never seem to be able to communicate without arguing.
- feel more like just parents or workmates than lovers.
- struggle to get over past hurts, including affairs.
- don’t know how to be intimate, wanting more then just sex.
- have an OK relationship, but want more excitement and fun with each other.
Every relationship has it’s problems from time to time. One of the biggest hurdles that a couple can experience is dealing with differences. Differences in values, differences in behaviours, differences in like and dislikes, all can cause conflict. Couples therapy using proven techniques, can be highly effective in helping couples like yourself work through conflict so that you both feel heard and respected.
Many couples, like you, find that as time goes on that their partner and themselves have changed. These changes need to be accommodated and understood. Relationship therapy and marriage counselling can help bring back the spark and excitement into a long-term relationship.
Are you ready to bring back the love into your relationship?
for Individuals
Many people ask if counselling can also work for singles or individuals who come on their own.
I help singles who:
- feel that it’s too difficult and not worth the effort being in a relationship, yet you still are lonely.
- have been hurt before and are too scared to commit to someone else.
- don’t like fights, so you run away when it all gets too hard.
- are sick of the endless cycle of on-line dating and dead-end affairs.
- always seem to end with the wrong person.
I help individuals already in a relationship who:
- are unhappy and unsatisfied with their partner but you hate the thought of being alone.
- don’t trust their partner. Always doubting them and wondering when they are going to leave you.
- have very little sex any-more and wonder what’s going wrong.
- seem to fight over and over again over the same old stuff.
- have lost the ‘spark’ and feel more like flat-mates than lovers.
- keep ‘sexting’ and chatting on-line even though you still feel for your partner.
Counselling can be highly effective for singles and individuals in a relationship who want to learn how to improve their current relationship or learn how start a new more meaningful one.
Are you ready to create the relationship you have always wanted?
for GLBTIQ Couples
Cyan has has nearly 30 years working in the GLBTIQ community, and has the experience and compassion to help you. All couples are facing more and more challenges in today’s world. Pressures from work commitments. Costs of housing going up. Marital breakups and infidelities all take their tolls. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered couples experience all these as well as their own unique issues.
Unique needs of Gay and Lesbian relationships
All relationships have there own unique issues and challenges.

Gay and Lesbian couples have particular special considerations.
Every person is a unique individual, and therefore when unique individuals come together they develop their own unique relationship. However it can be really hard to be gay or lesbian in relationship in the country.
Often many couples make the mistake of trying to model them selves on the expectations of society or their family – but this rarely, if ever, works. May lesbian and gay couples make the mistake of trying to act and be the same as hetrosexual couples. Often falling into stereotypical ‘husband and wife’ roles.

Every couple is unique
The pressures of a hetrosexist and homophobic society, and the added problems of living in rural Australia make it really hard to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, let alone having to work through the inevitable conflicts that arise in relationships. Gay and lesbian couples have particular special considerations. You need a therapist who understands you.
I understand and appreciate the extra pressures that come to bare on ‘non-traditional’ families. I have worked with the GLBTIQ community in Perth, Sydney and now Albury / Wodonga for nearly 30 years. I have also experienced long committed relationships as well as periods of being single.
I have seen the changes in society from when it was illegal to be gay, with the risk of imprisonment, to today’s struggle for equality in marriage. Whilst things have improved over the years, problems with prejudice and bullying still exist. I have the unique skills and experience to help you get the relationship you deserve..
Talk to someone who gets you!
Payment Options
I accept Cash, EFTPOS, MasterCard, VISA, PayPal and AMEX.
Couples counselling and marriage therapy is a specialist service requiring specialist training and knowledge.
Unfortunately relationship therapy and marriage counselling is not covered by Medicare, however the cost of therapy is approximately the same as what you would pay a general psychologist offering Medicare rebates.
If you have any questions or concerns about payment, just let me know and I happy to arrange something to suit your needs.